Hackathons are awesome events full of creativity, technology and passionate
tech-related students collaborating and creating. Attendees work in teams to create apps, games, robots…
literally anything you want to build & learn about!
What is HackUPC?
HackUPC is the first student hackathon in Spain. This will be our sixth edition
with 700 awesome hackers and lots of side activities to learn new technologies, meet interesting people and
have fun. Come make history with us!
What does HackUPC provide?
HackUPC is free for all accepted hackers. We will provide you
with WiFi, meals,
showers, swag,
mattresses to relax and workspace.
When & Where is HackUPC?
The check in is from
on . The opening ceremony starts at
also on friday. We expect to finish HackUPC by . HackUPC will take place in UPC's North Campus FIB buildings (A3, A4, A5 and A6) in sunny Barcelona.
What can I build?
Webs, mobile apps, hardware, games, an api... Anything is on the table. Projects
will be judged based
on technical difficulty, innovation and overall learning
experience mainly, but also on their usability and
design, by a panel of industry judges and UPC faculty.
Is travel reimbursement available?
Yes! It depends on where
you travel from: We are giving up to 50€ from
Spain and up to 100€ from outside of Spain. We want to give to all of you the
opportunity of joining us! However, please be aware that not all participants will be eligible to receive a
travel reimbursement.
What should I bring?
All attendees must bring a valid government ID for
admission. Other common
checklist items include: laptops, chargers, adapters, sleeping bags and toiletries. We encourage hackers to
shower, so bring a towel!
What side activities will there be?
Plenty of workshops and talks for several
skill levels. You can chill at our cafeteria and play games such as UNO or jenga. But stay
tuned! We have random events all over the place ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Who can attend?
Students from universities all around the world. High school
students can also
attend as long as they're at least 14 years old. If you are under 18, we will request a letter signed by
your parents or your legal tutor to attend.
What if I have dietary restrictions?
Since beta 1.0, we support: vegan, vegetarian,
no pork, gluten-free and other restrictions.
What if I don't have a team?
No need to worry! Part
of the fun of a hackathon is meeting new people. We will
have time at the beginning of the event for everyone to meet and form teams.
What if I am not a student?
We accept students up to 1 year after graduation. Remember that
you can still join us as a mentor!
Do you have a code of conduct?
respectful, harassment and abuse are never tolerated.
What is the max team size?
Teams of up to 4 are welcome. You can also hack solo if you